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I genuinely try not to schedule meetings between 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. during weeknights as this is quality time with my family.  For those of you that wonder why I schedule meetings or dinner plans at 8:00 p.m. or later, now you know why!

There are some nights when I know that I’m not going to make it home in time to cook dinner either due to an unavoidable meeting or because I have to pick one of the kids up from an activity.  On those nights, I may make something the night before that just needs to be put in the oven or I may use the crock pot.  Admittedly, my husband has a stash of frozen lasagne, meatballs and chicken fingers for those nights when something has popped up or if I haven’t been able to make the meal the night before.  He also has a few excellent recipes that he has mastered but if I suddenly tell him at 5:00 p.m. that I’m running late at the office or at a meeting somewhere, it’s just easier for him to throw something in the oven.

Make ahead meal suggestions:

  1. Shepherd’s Pie
  2. Lasagne
  3. Chicken or vegetable pot pie
  4. Ground beef for tacos & prepare a plate with all the fixings
  5. Meat sauce for pasta
  6. Pizza – I would only make homemade pizza dough on a Sunday when there is time
  7. Hamburger patties
  8. Marinate meat such as chicken or steak for the barbeque
  9. Homemade macaroni and cheese
  10. Eggplant lasagne
  11. Bean or beef chili
  12. Roast chicken
  13. Meat pie

Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook and Instagram for more tips, ideas and recipes!

xo Jasmine

Jasmine Daya

Author Jasmine Daya

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